home title company near me


A home may be the biggest investment of your life. It gives peace of mind to know that your title and settlement company has you covered.

At PIKE TITLE we handle millions of dollars of our customers’ money used to purchase new homes, pay off existing liens, and satisfy many other financial obligations of buyers, sellers, refinancers at closing. With our thorough processes, cutting-edge technology, and secure accounts we track every dollar to make sure every financial obligation is satisfied at closing.

Buyers often ask: “what happens to the Seller’s mortgage and debts?” The answer is, “we make sure they’re paid at closing!” Our land records search reveals all recorded mortgages, deeds of trust, liens, and judgments associated with a property, home, or piece of land. We find the balance of each debt and use the Seller’s funds to pay them off. Buyers rest easy knowing they own their new home free and clear, and Sellers avoid the hassle of calling lenders, sending checks, and verifying payoffs. We do it all!

And if there are any questions about who pays what to whom, we give each party a detailed settlement statement before closing that tracks everything.

Still unsure? PIKE TITLE is bonded and insured for over $1 million and recognized as a Better Business Bureau Trusted Business. Let us show you why so many people trust PIKE TITLE with their home closing.

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