title settlement company

Your clients are our business

PIKE TITLE combines the real estate focus of a title company with the legal expertise of a law firm to provide an exceptional customer experience for your clients. We also employ personal interactions and the latest technology to work with you and your clients on your terms, whether that's email, our online portal, or a phone call.

You have a team ready to help you and your clients through to the end. An attorney directing every closing and A. R. Pike Law Firm ready to provide legal assistance means that we have the tools to avoid and handle issues that come up along the way.

title settlement company


We follow strict ISO 27001 and SOC2 guidelines to ensure personal information is secure.

title settlement company


Our streamlined processes ensure that we can close when everyone is ready.

title settlement company


Our title search identifies issues early so they can be resolved.

title settlement company


We adapt to the circumstances of each closings. Even when those circumstances change rapidly from day to day.

title settlement company


Our experience with real estate law, land records, and closings helps us resolve issues before they arise.

title settlement company


People are the heart of each closing and we provide them with a personal experience.

PIKE TITLE combines the real estate focus of a title company with the legal expertise of a law firm.

title settlement company
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